For all the readers out there, enjoy!
Also, if you've written a poem or have a story to tell, email me and I can put it on my site!

.. My JoHn PoEm ..
BY: KaBoO I sat and wondered why it was so sad to see you gone cuz so many people listened to you and thought
your ideas were new and cool I sat and listened to your music wondering why it was so cool but suddenly I wanted
to jump into a pool but still i sat waiting for the song to end so I got out a pen and started to write "I
miss you John, wish you were here" "You never seemed to have any fear" "You were funny and rude" "And had a sense
of attitude" then I wondered who I was writing to but then I said "Eh, who cares, I'll write to myself" As the
song ended I started to cry but I had no idea why maybe it was because I missed you but then I suddenly wanted
to kiss you but I put my pen down and went to bed and hoped I would have dreams of you in my head ::bows:: (wasn't
that great?!)

A Beatle Fan Story (a true story) The first time I saw The Beatles LIVE was in Vancouver B.C. during their first
tour. They were sorta "banned" from Oregon/Washington cause they were going to corrupt the daughters of America,
( the mind set in those days) like Elvis shaking his hips which caused the well known fury. Seems pretty tame compared to
today. HA! So, we commuted to Canada to see them the first time. You just can't imagine how powerful this was! I saw things
there I've never seen since in terms of how the show was run, security, what people did to get a look at them, and the reception
the audience gave them (10 ft. pile of presents stacked up in front of the stage etc..of items like hand sewn pillows, carvings,
and paintings that took a great amount of time) and I've worked hundreds of live music shows over the years since. Saw them
again in Portland, Oregon (1966) where I live. It's like photos or a movie in my mind of the experiences. I sometimes laugh
at what people say today regarding the Beatles influences on the music industry, artists, lifestyles, and alike. Most of what
I hear is just scraping the surface of the real impact those 4 boys had. We lived on everything they said and did, not only
in the music, fashions, and hairstyles etc.. but, political and social views as well. Not too many folks know they were /
still are, the "total package" of everything musicians strive to achieve today, whether they realize it or not.
How much money alone can be directly attributed to the spin off of their impact must be in the trillions! All the musicians
who picked up a guitar cause of the girls going nuts over these guys, recording studios, instruments and equipment, venues
created, fashions, it just goes on forever. When John said they were as popular as Jesus, some of us knew exactly what he
meant, and the bozos that didn't started the backlash of negative media, which couldn't and didn't last! I am a musician,
own a sound company now, and am involved around the Portland area with other music related endeavors. Most of the musicians
I meet or know currently, were directly influenced from the fab four as to have "no choice" not to do what they
are doing in music. Most are all doing music cause of the Beatles in some way or another. The ones that aren't, want to be.
There is a doctor in town that has Beatles items on his reception area walls that is impressive. I have only Ringo Starr's
drumsticks from the Seattle show a friend of mine gave me knowing what the band means to me. I hang them proudly in my music
studio as all my other collectibles came up missing during a move we made when I was young. I had tons of original stuff and
was devastated to find them gone. I have a wealth of memories and with all the attention given the Beatles now, due to the
Beatles 1 album etc. --Rex Johnston
A John Lennon Story
Fan Fiction @