Ugh. I really don't like making tribute pages. Not fun at all! So, I woke up on that Friday morning and turned on the news
as I usually do and they were talking about George Harrison and they said he died the night before. When I heard this, my
jaw dropped and I just stared at the T.V. and I really didn't take it in. It seems that after Sept 11, I just kind of didn't
care anymore. When I would watch the news, I would watch, but I didn't really take it in, you know? I'd be like,"Oh,
thats too bad. oh well." and move on. But, I'm starting to take in George's death. He was a really good guy and wrote
good music. My uncle was joking around one day after his death and wrote on this board in our house that said "John,
Paul, George, Ringo" and then he crossed out John and George and wrote, "2 down, 2 to go." And, now whenever
I talk about The Beatles, he always says that! and then I was talking to my grandma and I said, "Dang, on the 8th of
December, it will be 21 years ago John died" and she was like, "No way! That long ago? It couldn't of been that
long ago!" and it is pretty hard to believe. And, I know I'll be saying that about George 21 years from now. Strange..
time flys by so fast. So.. my love goes out to the Harrison family and I hope George's music lives on way into the future.
May he rest in peace. [Dec 2001] .. KaBoO ..
